Movement has fascinated me in all its facets since I was a child. Movement is more than training and sport. Practice is more than memorizing and repeating. A meaningful movement practice opens a gateway to a healthy, creative, sustainable and fulfilled life. I share this fascination and insight through my work with my students.

Change is the only constant in life.. My ideas, thoughts, inspirations and actions are subject to natural change. What I want to communicate changes and develops accordingly. Over the past few years, however, a number of key points have emerged that well describe the essence of my work.

The uniting of seemingly opposites…


In my experience, we can only unfold our true potential and authentic self through the integration of several opposites – an interplay of hardness and softness, action and stillness, giving and taking.


This principle is deeply anchored in my work and practice:


Exact technical practice and research playful and intuitive trying and experiencing.

Strengthening the body reducing tension and searching for lightness

Practising in complete silence and isolation embracing the chaos of life


A dance between the poles


Acquisition of physical skills

An interdisciplinary movement training with a focus on body awareness and versatility. The ability to move organically and independently of the situation. Expanding the movement repertoire and improving the quality of movement.


Maintenance of physical health

Targeted, physical training with a holistic approach. Integration of strength, mobility, coordination, grounding and posture. Movement as a basic human need and as an indispensable aspect of long-term health maintenance.


Moving in a social context

Moving with each other and encouraging exchange. Creating community, supporting and inspiring each other. Communication, trust and playfulness.


Creative Work

Expressing oneself physically and sparking curiosity. Movement not only as a means to an end but as an end in itself. Fostering creativity and seeking individuality.



Reflection, Contemplation, Meditation

Self-reflection and self-exploration. Encouraging critical and independent thinking. Responsible use of body and mind. Enabling changing perspectives.


Promotion of sustainability

Creation of a sustainable movement practice. Environmental awareness and movement in and with nature.

WHAT we do. We see the container clearly from the outside, whether it is Handstands, Acrobatics, this or that form. But the visible form is only half the truth: it gives our practice a clear shape and direction, but it does not show our intention towards the practice or our reason for it.

HOW and WHY we do it. The content of a practice only really reveals itself through continuous practice: what lies beyond Acrobatics, Handstands and so on? What is there to learn outside the visible form? What challenges, potentials and transferable insights arise in the practice process?

These aspects are conveyed in various settings:

One-To-One tuition enables targeted and highly individual adaptations. Here we work on precise movement execution, quality and specifically address YOUR body. The online coaching/practice with training plans or the online courses are intended to break local boundaries, prepare for workshops or serve as a continuation after these.

Workshops provide insights into different topics, inspire and enable independent practice. Regular contributions and videos on the current social media are freely accessible to the public, allow insights into my practice and should encourage reflection about different topics.

These different settings allow me to convey my ideas and concepts dynamically and more or less individually.

Since my work is based on imparting knowledge and experience and on bringing about change, the confrontation with didactics – the art and science of teaching and learning – forms a large part of my work. The following three basic assumptions shape my teaching and educational methods:

„It’s the proof of high education to say the greatest things in the simplest way“ – Emerson


The ability to break down complex topics without losing the core content and make them accessible to the respective person/group. Being able to pick up my students where they are on their way.

„What you tell me, I’ll forget. What you show me, I remember. What you let me do, I understand.“ Galileo Galilei


True learning happens only by trying, making mistakes, experimenting and experiencing. I try to create conditions for autonomy and independent thinking.

„What you’re doing speaks for itself so much, I can’t even hear what you’re saying.“ – Emerson


I can only pass on what I have experienced myself and only pass on what I practice myself. Authenticity is the final basic assumption of my teaching method.

Ultimately, my work is NOT about raising the most powerful or strongest “movers” possible. I am not offering the quickest and most effective way to reach any goals, but am interested in setting an authentic process in motion that encourages self-exploration and creativity, and in supporting you in discovering your true needs and desires and translating them into an individually meaningful movement practice. What should your practice look like, what should it give you and where do you want to go with it?

If you want to experience the fullness of my teaching, I recommend that you engage in a long-term process. Each of my learning settings (online, workshop, private, freely available material) provides different insights, but in isolation shows only one piece of the puzzle. If you are inspired by what I do, feel free to contact me and we can put the mosaic together.

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