Movement as a means to explore the world, yourself and the connection of both. Play as a means to nourish your soul and your inner child.

Movement Inspiration & Imagination

Why should you even bother trying to imagine you are an animal or anything else than a human in general? W ...

Interacting with Nature and connecting with the Not-So-Human

Moving in and with nature has been a vital part of not only my practice but my wellbeing in general. To interac ...

About Falling and Failing

Why do we fall? How do we fall? Can we practice falling? How are falling and failing connected? Since we know t ...


„Für was ist diese Übung?“, „Warum machst du diese Sachen?“, „WAS trainierst du ...

Jonglieren Breakdown Analysis

In diesem Video eine Anleitung zum Erlernen des jonglieren mit drei Bällen. Wieso? Je nach dem, mit welcher Brille man ...

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