Saturday, June 1st
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00 (including break)
Ludwig Thoma Realschule, Fehwiesenstraße 118, 81673 München, Deutschland
Please inform yourself about our cancellation policy before booking.
How can we take care of our as well as other bodies? This part presents ideas that can be practiced and explored on an ongoing basis, preparing and nurturing the body. The approach is oriented towards holistic development of the body.
The focus is on fear management, honing intuition, and trust in oneself. Through solo and partner exercises, creativity and problem-solving skills are challenged while effortlessly confronting fear of falling. Rolling and falling techniques are learned and tested in a playful way. Ultimately, we will transition from abstract practice to specific acrobatic material – Falling Acrobatics. The work is strongly inspired by Nil’s many years of skateboarding and acrobatics experience, as well as Ludwig’s many years of parkour practice.
This part of the workshop combines elements from dance acrobatics with parkour elements and is intended to show that parkour does not always have to be rough or difficult, but can be much more multifaceted. Well-known concepts from “object manipulation” are given a new framework, resulting in completely new movement possibilities for which you don’t have to have any previous experience or fulfill any mandatory requirements. Apart from skills, the main focus is on creative work with an obstacle in order to expand one’s own movement landscape and to find one’s own “parkour vision”.
The fascination of movement in space, on the ground and with gravity, elements from acrobatics and improvisation. Rolling, supporting, upside down, jumping, slow, fast, gentle, explosive and wild. How can we navigate from isolated, technical through more integrated, sequential and ultimately to freeform practice? How can concepts and imaginative work help to enrich our practices? Nil follows an approach that aims to find effortlessness, lightness, precision and calmness in movement. It is less about learning particularly difficult elements and more about finding pure joy in expressive movement and flow.
You don’t need any special acrobatic or parkour skills to take part in the workshop, and you don’t have to be particularly agile or overly strong. However, you should have an active movement practice – which style doesn’t matter. Please remember that we will be moving intensively for many hours.
IF you already participated in our last FTS Workshop, we would love to have you on this one again – no worries, we will present novel material in this one as well.
Following the seminar, all participants will receive a summary document with videos, texts and other resources that were covered during the weekend. It is understood that the resources will be treated with respect.
FAM (Free Arts of Movement) is a Munich-based freestyle sports club that teaches parkour, trampoline, movement and other disciplines. As with the workshop, the focus is on fun in movement, individual process and movement as a means to a fulfilled life. The practitioner is encouraged to find their own style, their own way of expressing themselves through movement. The contents of the workshop can be further practiced and intensified in a supportive group at FAM.
Find all info and Training schedule on:
Nil has been involved in a wide variety of physical disciplines since childhood and has been sharing his experiences and ideas about a holistic, long-lasting, fulfilling and joyful movement practice in his work for over 10 years.
His interest in working with the body and mind began at an early age. After studying sports science in Munich, training as a massage therapist and attending many seminars on a wide variety of topics, he began his professional work as a teacher. Nil sees continuous education, open-mindedness and constant curiosity about life as the cornerstones of what he does.
Teaching is informed by his interest and practice of many systems and disciplines, including rehab & health training, acrobatics, skateboarding, bouldering, dance, weight training, parkour, gymnastics, combat, yoga, meditation, bodywork, didactics, pedagogy, etc. The way of working is and remains dynamic: new experiences are integrated into the work, superfluous things are discarded.
The teaching goes beyond the physical: aspects such as learning experiences and processes, exploration of the self, trust in one’s own body or fear management are an integral part of the approach.
The work is informed by many teachings, including:
Tom Weksler, Fighting Monkey Practice, Moshe Feldenkrais, Katy Bowman, Ido Portal and many more.
After a few sedentary years, Ludwig’s first point of contact with sport was the gym. After some time he came across Ido Portal and Movement Culture through Calisthenics and finally landed in Parkour through friends – here he quickly gained a foothold and found his first great love in the field of movement.
The more he absorbed all the parkour elements, the more his interest in other forms of movement grew, a cross-discipline approach was therefore established – especially inspired by the circus and dance scene. He has expanded his knowledge through various teachers and mentors, including Emmet Louis, Marcello Palozzo, Ido Portal and many more.