Via the online support I can help students to create an individually meaningful movement practice that will enable the body to develop more strength, intelligence, resilience and suppleness. After completing the support you will be able to continue your own movement practice independently.

Of course, the support cannot replace a personal training, workshop or similar. In order for this kind of work and practice to work, you need to practice on your own. The support serves as a guidance, as a possibility to get feedback and as a guide for a rich, independent movement practice after the coaching is finished.

General Process

Online support is a way of working together via Skype, videos and personalized training programme.


As a student, you will receive an exercise plan with links to videos/tutorials of the exercises, which is usually updated every six weeks. You will also get access to my online library which features articles, exclusive videos and more for independent study. Support begins with a video call, an analysis of your current state and goal and intention setting for the coaching period. During the coaching, you send in practice videos of yourself, on which you receive individual feedback. For general questions and suggestions we communicate via email/telegram or zoom call.


In addition to the physical training, you will also receive reflection tasks that are intended to create clarity about motivation, intention and prioritization in your practice.


Core topics of the coaching are: Body awareness and body sensitivity, conditioning (mobilization and strengthening of the body), learning complex movements (skill training such as acrobatics, handstands, etc.) and building up a movement vocabulary that helps you to be more creative, dynamic and free. In addition, there is the possibility to focus on reflection (in relation to practice, movement, health…) and theoretical/contextual understanding (how does movement learning work? Anatomy in movement, etc.). Of course, the content will be adapted to your priorities.


The minimum support period is 6 months and costs 1800€ (6×300€, monthly payment). Each additional month can be booked spontaneously for 300€. The sum has to be transferred at the beginning, monthly payment is possible with exceptions. If you want to work more directly with me, you can book a zoom session (approx. 90 min.) for 150€ in which we can work specifically.

Ultimately, my work is NOT about raising the most powerful or strongest “movers” possible. I am not offering the quickest and most effective way to reach any goals, but am interested in setting an authentic process in motion that encourages self-exploration and creativity, and in supporting you in discovering your true needs and desires and translating them into an individually meaningful movement practice.

What should your practice look like, what should it give you and where do you want to go with it?


Before deciding wether to work with me or not, I encourage you to read my TEACHING page to see if you align with the way I work and the way I see practice.

If you are interested in the Online Support, please contact me by clicking on the button here. We then schedule a Skype call to see if our expectations can be aligned. I am excited to talk and work with you!

Super satisfied! After a very detailed anamnesis consultation, in which the goals as well as given impairments were discussed, I had my training plan in a short time. Then unfortunately seriously injured in training. But even then Nil completely changed the plan and adapted it to the new situation and we started all over again. Within the 6 weeks, he was always available for all questions without any problems and always answered them completely and to my satisfaction. As soon as I have cured my injury, I will fall back on him again. He seems to me a guarantor for a long-term and painless progress!  – Dominique

Since about half a year Nil coaches me online. At first I was a bit skeptical about online coaching, but I quickly realized that with Nil I have an absolute expert at my side. He is exactly the right person who knows how to reach my goals with his great know how. He has also introduced me to new areas, such as acrobatics. In case of questions he is always available and answers quickly, gives new progressions, exercises etc. The training schedules are super structured and very clear, for each exercise there are detailed videos. Everyone who wants to take his training to the next level is at the right place with Nil!  – Daniel


Is the Online Support right for me?

I have already practiced via online coaching with beginners as well as very advanced students. If you are not afraid of practicing alone and want to work on something specific, I can highly recommend the support.

What equipment do I need for the coaching?

That depends of course on what we practice on. For general strength and flexibility training, gym rings, parallettes, a few weights of 2.5 – approx. 30 kg are useful. For Soft Acrobatics and floor elements a free area of at least 10-15 sqm is suitable. If you do not have all of this, we will adapt the training to the circumstances.

How much time should I plan for the coaching?

I recommend between 3 and 5 sessions per week, which usually last between 90 and 120 minutes. You can also add a few minutes a day to practice on general projects and routines.

Does the online support replace practicing in a group?

Not at all. However, the intentions are different here as well. The main purpose of the support is to work on individual goals and to create a personal movement practice. In the best case, online support is a good complement to group practice.

What happens when I have questions/ when I can't train?

Of course you always have the possibility to ask questions which I will answer in time. I also expect two videos per phase – one at the beginning of the training and one at the end of the phase. In case of illness the training can be paused.

What results can I expect from the coaching?

That depends on many factors, especially how much effort and work you put into the practice yourself. I can only stand by your side and support you, the practice is up to you. I constantly try to adapt the program so that my students can take as much of the support as possible with them. Important: I work process-oriented and I think that success will be achieved if you go into practice with the right mindset and patience.

I still have questions and would like to talk to you about them before I make a decision.

At the beginning there is always a Skype conversation so that we can directly adjust the expectations of both sides and clarify all questions.

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