Macaco Breakdown

Learn how to do a very basic Macaco in just a few steps. The Macaco is a very cool and not too hard move, that you can play around with. There are many variations to the Macao – just try it out and see by yourself! If you want to really refine this and other moves, get in touch for specific coaching.

Handstand Breakdown Analysis

In this video a tutorial on how to learn the handstand.

The handstand requires a certain amount of overhead mobility, strength in hand and shoulder joints, as well as trunk tension and coordination upside down.

Learning the handstand gives you access to many other movements (acrobatic elements, hand balance, …) – it doesn’t stop at static standing on the hands…

This video is of course only a guide – in my online coaching you will find many other videos with drills and tips to make the training even more effective.


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